Ruhkaari Shopify Case Study
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Ruhkaari scales its e commerce presence across India with
Futuready and Shopify

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Evoking India's rich heritage, their garments whisper stories crafted by artisans' hands. Each piece transcends mere clothing, becoming a thread that connects you to tradition, soul, and sustainable practices.

Since partnering with Futuready Media and upgrading to Shopify, Ruhkaari has been able to:

  • Transform its ecommerce capabilities, making it a significant revenue driver
  • Expand its reach across India, catering to diverse customer needs
  • Enhance business intelligence and operational efficiency, resulting in better customer satisfaction and payment process.


Ruhkaari's dream of bridging the gap between tradition and modern consumers through their online store faces a hurdle. While their brand identity revolves around heritage and sustainability, their current ecommerce platform, built on Shopify, struggles to deliver a smooth user experience. This core challenge is multifaceted:

  • Incomplete Website Creation on Shopify
  • Issues with Products and Product Images
  • Poor UI/UX Design
  • No Payment Gateway Integration

"In the early days, our focus was solely on weaving beautiful designs and partnering with stores that shared our vision for Ruhkaari," explains Vibha Tomar, Founder of Ruhkaari. "However, our handcrafted pieces resonated with a wider audience than traditional retail channels could reach. We needed a way to bridge the gap."

"Opening our own online store has been a game-changer. It allows us to showcase our entire collection directly to our customers and share the stories behind each piece. Our online store lets us share the stories behind each piece, fostering a deeper connection with the wearers of our garments. This not only strengthens our brand, but also ensures fair value for our artisans' work."

- Vibha Tomar


Partnering with Futuready, Ruhkaari addressed key areas:

  • Ensured a user-friendly platform with clear navigation, informative product pages, and a smooth checkout process.
  • Replaced inconsistent descriptions and images with high-quality photographs and detailed information.
  • Prioritized a clean interface, intuitive navigation, and full responsiveness across all devices.
  • Integrated payment gateway: Enabled secure and smooth transactions.

In addition to utilizing Shopify's global commerce tools, Ruhkaari adopted Shopify to automate many of its digital marketing efforts, particularly email campaigns.


Their revamped Shopify store boasts a fully functional interface with accurate product listings. This, coupled with a secure and seamless payment gateway, has significantly enhanced user trust and the overall shopping experience.

The website's improved navigation and user engagement have also led to positive outcomes. Customers can now browse effortlessly, leading to a more enjoyable and streamlined shopping journey. These improvements position Ruhkaari's online store for continued success, effectively connecting customers to the brand's heritage with every purchase.

"The user-friendly design of Shopify and its robust set of features allowed Futuready to implement the customizations we needed to bring Ruhkaari's vision to life. Our goal was to create a seamless online experience that reflects our heritage and values, without requiring a huge investment in development from our end. Shopify provided the perfect platform to achieve this." Vibha Tomar


Lifestyle & Fashion


Shopify (Incomplete)


Shopify, Futuready Implementation Services


Pan India Ecommerce, Improved User Experience, Revamped Shopify Store

With Shopify and Futuready Media, Ruhkaari saw transformative results quickly


Faster data gathering
for business intelligence


More efficient item
data management


Faster product shipping
to customers

Join the ranks of brands being transformed by Futuready every day

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